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 How to insert these widgets?

      7. FAQ
          7.3. Text editing and images
 7.3.8. FAQ : Insert image in the middle of text 

How to insert an image, anywhere in the text ?

Follow these steps :

  1. Set the cursor in the WYSIWYG editor where you would like to insert the image.
  2. Use the "Internal link" menu in the editor to insert an image
  3. Select the image

This will insert a HTML tag like <img src="../wit-icons/myImage.gif" border=0> that you may change in the HTML view.

Note that the reference begins by "../wit-icons/" because the image will be copied into "/webroot/wit-icons" whereas the HTML page file will be generated in "/webroot/text".

You may also use absolute references.

The HTML tags will be replaced by the image (you may move and resize it with the mouse, or delete it, but if you want to modify them, you have to activate the pure HTML editor (HTML tab), and update the HTML code).

Keywords :  FAQ ; Images ; Text