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 How to insert these widgets?

      7. FAQ
          7.3. Text editing and images
 7.3.9. FAQ : Center images  

I cannot figure out how to centre photographs.

Images can be inserted, either in the WYSIWYG editor, either in the idea properties dialog.

Images inserted in the WYSIWYG editor :

- click on the image, then click on the "center" icon in the WYSIWYG editor toolbar

- open the Style template, and edit the .TextImage item (located in the .TextGroup elements) :

- remove any "float" property that could be mentionned there.

Images inserted in the idea properties dialog :

- Edit the style template (expert mode), and choose the ImageSubgroup item.

- suppress float properties (you can comment them out with /* and */ ).

- add the following properties :


This means that all the images inserted through the idea properties dialog will be centered in the whole document.

Keywords :  FAQ ; Images