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 How to insert these widgets?

      7. FAQ
          7.1. General
 7.1.1. FAQ : How to begin ?  

There are two steps :

- your site design and test.
- its publication on the Internet.
The first step is WIT specific, the second is more general (and not discussed here).
I first suggest that you read the "FAQ : Method to use WIT " page to acquire an efficient and straightforward method to outline your ideas, and well understand web site creation with WIT :
    - organise disk space to manage your site data(WIT document WIT, images, etc...)
    - organise the site outline by creating, moving and hierarchising the ideas
    - add text and images to you ideas
    - automatically build the site and test it
    - deal with site structure and style by applying templates or creating new ones.
I strongly advise to read and work the tutorial (count between 15 and 30 minutes) : the tutorial is a part of the user's manual (Tutorial (a 15 minute tour to create a Web site)), or available at
Once you are done with the tutorial, you know almost everything.
You also have the "welcome-en.wit" document (open it and modify it with WIT) : you get there fast and simple overlook.
Keywords :  FAQ ; Method