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V5 (46)
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V5.10 (15)
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V5.70 (9)
V5.71 (4)
 How to insert these widgets?

      5. Reference
          5.11. Style templates
              5.11.3. Modify current style template (expert mode)
         List of style classes
             Style class : Body (document body)
                 Style class : Container
 Style class : WITChromeMenu  

WITChromeMenu style class has 13 sub classes, controlling the global appearance of the Drop Down menu, but also its behavior : change with caution.

Example (this document styles : extract of style sheet. Do not change values shown in red) :

/* WIT wrapping of Chrome CSS Drop Down Menu (courtesy of          */
/* Insert properties */

/* Chrome CSS Drop Down menu bar          */
.chromestyle  { 
width: 100%;
font-weight: 100;

/* Chrome CSS Drop Down Menu          */
/*Add margin between menu and rest of content in Firefox*/
content: ".";
display: block;
height: 0;
clear: both;
visibility: hidden;


/* Chrome CSS Drop Down menu : horizontal bar          */
.chromestyle ul
border: 1px solid #BBB;
width: 100%;
background: url(../extra/chromebg.gif) center center repeat-x; /*THEME CHANGE HERE*/
padding: 4px 0;
margin: 0;
text-align: left; /*set value to "left", "center", or "right"*/

/* Chrome CSS Drop Down Menu : horizontal bar elements list          */
.chromestyle ul li
display: inline;

/* Chrome CSS Drop Down Menu : horizontal bar links          */
.chromestyle ul li a
color: #494949;
padding: 4px 7px;
margin: 0;
text-decoration: none;
border-right: 1px solid #DADADA;

/* Chrome CSS Drop Down Menu : horizontal bar links, hovered          */
.chromestyle ul li a:hover
text-decoration: none;
background: url(../extra/chromebg-over.gif) -8px center repeat-x; /*THEME CHANGE HERE*/

/* Chrome CSS Drop Down Menu : horizontal bar links, visited          */
.chromestyle ul li a:visited
color: #494949;

/* Chrome CSS Drop Down Menu : trick...          */
.chromestyle ul li a[rel]:after
/*HTML to indicate drop down link*/
/*content: " v";
content: " " url(../extra/downimage.gif); /*uncomment this line to use an image instead*/

/* Chrome CSS Drop Down Menu : Dropdown pane          */
border: 1px solid #BBB; /*THEME CHANGE HERE*/
border-bottom-width: 0;
background-color: white;
width: 160px;
/* Do not change below */
top: 0;z-index:100;
visibility: hidden;
filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Shadow(color=#CACACA,direction=135,strength=4); /*Add Shadow in IE. Remove if desired*/


/* Chrome CSS Drop Down Menu : dropdown pane links          */
.dropmenudiv a
width: auto;
display: block;
text-indent: 3px;
border-bottom: 1px solid #BBB; /*THEME CHANGE HERE*/
padding: 2px 2px;
text-decoration: none;
font-weight: 100;
color: #666666;

/* Chrome CSS Drop Down Menu : IE only hack          */
* html .dropmenudiv a
width: 100%;

/* Chrome CSS Drop Down Menu : dropdown link, hovered          */
.dropmenudiv a:hover
background-color: #F0F0F0;
text-decoration: none;

/* Chrome CSS Drop Down Menu : dropdown link, visited          */
.dropmenudiv a:visited
color: #666666;

Start date2007/11/01
Due date2007/11/01
Percent finished100 %
Effective end date2007/11/01