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 How to insert these widgets?

      5. Reference
          5.10. Structure templates
 5.10.1. Load a structure template 

This function loads a new template from a file (*.emd suffix) and replaces the current template, after confirmation.

There are two access ways :

 from the menu "Templates/Structure/load...",
 from the left side toolbar, in the "Structure Templates" tab, by directly clicking on a template.

The menu lets loading a template whatever its hard disk location.

The "Structure Templates" tab in the left side toolbar only presents predefined templates that are stored in the special "Data/Templates/Structures" directory (sub directory of WIT installation directory).

Note : in the "Operations" tab of left side toolbar, a click on "Modify structure" activates the "Structure Templates" tab, in normal mode. In expert mode, the same click opens the structure edit dialog box.

Note 2 : The name of the template is displayed in the dialog title. A "*" is appended when any of its options is changed.

See also :
Start date2007/03/04
Due date2007/03/04
Percent finished100 %
Effective end date2007/03/04