Tree :

 Faceted index, by topics :

V5 (46)
V5.01 (21)
V5.10 (15)
V5.20 (32)
V5.30 (16)
V5.31 (1)
V5.32 (4)
V5.33 (16)
V5.34 (7)
V5.35 (2)
V5.40 (27)
V5.41 (7)
V5.42 (4)
V5.43 (6)
V5.50 (1)
V5.60 (1)
V5.61 (2)
V5.70 (9)
V5.71 (4)
 How to insert these widgets?

      5. Reference
          5.10. Structure templates
              5.10.3. Modify current structure template (expert mode)
         Idea tab Structure : Title 

"Title" is the idea title. "Title level" is the idea level in the tree. Root idea is level 0.


 Title numbering. An automatic numbering, up to a modifiable level, can be applied. This numbering can be simple (a single number), or hierarchical (using upper levels numbers, (example : 1.2.2.)).

 Small icon before title. Each title (and its eventual numbers), can have a bullet made with a image (specify the image).

You can use the default idea icon (the one that is used to decorate each idea in the WIT tree view : see idea properties, "Display options" tab).


Start date2011/01/15
Due date2011/01/15
Percent finished100 %
Effective end date2011/01/15