Tree :

 Faceted index, by topics :

V5 (46)
V5.01 (21)
V5.10 (15)
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V5.30 (16)
V5.31 (1)
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V5.33 (16)
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V5.70 (9)
V5.71 (4)
 How to insert these widgets?

      5. Reference
          5.10. Structure templates
              5.10.3. Modify current structure template (expert mode)
         Idea tab Structure : Custom fields 

Custom fields are additional characterizations of ideas. They are displayed only when they have non void values.


 Display also the field name. Name of each custom field may be displayed before the field value.

 Subtitle first. A subtitle may be displayed before the set of custom fields and their values (default : Custom fields).