Tree :

 Faceted index, by topics :

V5 (46)
V5.01 (21)
V5.10 (15)
V5.20 (32)
V5.30 (16)
V5.31 (1)
V5.32 (4)
V5.33 (16)
V5.34 (7)
V5.35 (2)
V5.40 (27)
V5.41 (7)
V5.42 (4)
V5.43 (6)
V5.50 (1)
V5.60 (1)
V5.61 (2)
V5.70 (9)
V5.71 (4)
 How to insert these widgets?

      5. Reference
          5.5. Ideas
              5.5.5. Multi criteria idea search
         Idea selector Selecting displayed attributes, columns size and order 

Right click on the list header to choose which idea attributes to display : in the popup menu, select the "Columns" item, then click on every idea attribute you want to display or hide. A final click outside the menu validates your choices.

You can also resize each column width, change column display order by dragging / dropping their headers, and resize the whole dialog : the global configuration of this grid report will be recalled later (unless when the "Cancel" button is pressed).

Choice of columns
Choice of columns
Start date2006/11/11
Due date2006/11/04
Percent finished100 %
Effective end date2006/11/11