Tree :

 Faceted index, by topics :

V5 (46)
V5.01 (21)
V5.10 (15)
V5.20 (32)
V5.30 (16)
V5.31 (1)
V5.32 (4)
V5.33 (16)
V5.34 (7)
V5.35 (2)
V5.40 (27)
V5.41 (7)
V5.42 (4)
V5.43 (6)
V5.50 (1)
V5.60 (1)
V5.61 (2)
V5.70 (9)
V5.71 (4)
 How to insert these widgets?

      5. Reference
          5.5. Ideas
              5.5.3. Idea contents editing
         Editing idea text : WYSIWYG editor
             Insert internal links Insert a special WIT variable  

WIT has a series of  "meta tags" called "WIT variables" : their value is defined by WIT when it builds the pages.

These variables give an effortless enhancement to the document, and can be placed anywhere in :

  • the text area,
  • the idea title,
  • the page header,
  • the page footer,
  • the left and right panels,
  • the custom fields,
  • the image titles,
  • the document titles,
  • the URL titles.

The most efficient places for WIT variables are the page header and footer.

WIT variables are inserted as pseudo XML tags, with the <@variable/> syntax.

Here is the list of WIT 'variable' meanings (an additional space had to be added here after the '@' to prevent WIT from interpreting the tag, otherwise you would get :   (bullet), Next page Insert a table of contents with a Freeplane/Freemind mind map (Flash browser) (next idea link), 16:41:03 (time) etc...).

<@ date/> : page generation date.
<@ day/> : page generation day.
<@ month/> : page generation month.
<@ year/> : page generation year.
<@ time/> : page generation time.
<@ page/> : page file generated name (useful when placed in page header and used as a literal parameter in a PHP script).
<@ pageNum/> : sequence number of current page in the document,
<@ pages/> : total number of pages in the document,
<@ subIdeas/> : total number of sub ideas of current idea (useful, for instance, to give the number of articles in a site section),
<@ copyright/> : meta tag "copyright" information (professional license).
<@ author/> : meta tag "author" information (professional license),
<@ /> : bullet used in text :  
<@ prevIdea/> : link to previous idea, shown as an arrow or as text according to current structure template options ("Navigation" tab), like this : Previous page Insert an image (alternate method)  
<@ nextIdea/> :link to next idea, shown as an arrow or as text according to current structure template options ("Navigation" tab), like this : Next page Insert a table of contents with a Freeplane/Freemind mind map (Flash browser)
<@ parentIdea/> : link to parent idea, shown as an arrow or as text according to current structure template options ("Navigation" tab), like this : Return Insert internal links .

The second WIT variables list below is available with WIT professional ; you can insert structural elements of current idea, with a better and more powerful manner, like here in this manual. These elements are still controlled by the current structure and style templates :

<@ navbar/> : the full navigation bar,
<@ text/> : current idea text content,
<@ title/> : current idea title,
<@ titleRaw/> : current idea title (text only, without presentation and style options),
<@ keywords/> : current idea keywords,
<@ children/> : current idea child links,
<@ externalLinks/> : current idea external URLs,
<@ hierarchicalPosition/> : current idea hierarchical position in the document,
<@ internalDocs/> : current idea list of associated ideas,
<@ internalRefs/> : current idea list of associated documents,
<@ bibliography/> : current idea list of books,
<@ imageList/> : current idea list of images,

<@ customFields/> : current idea list of custom fields values.
<@ customField1/> to <@ customField32/> : the value of the custom field 1 to 32 (with its presentation and style options)
<@ customField1Raw/> to <@ customField32Raw/> : the raw value of the custom field 1 to 32 (with no specific style)
<@ cfWidgetToc1/> to <@ cfWidgetToc32/> : a block widget presenting a synthetic table of each field values.

<@ startDate/> : start date of task,
<@ dueDate/> : due date of task,
<@ endDate/> : end date of task,
<@ estimatedTime/> : estimated time to perform a task,
<@ spentTime/> : effective time spent to perform a task,
<@ percentComplete/> : task completion percentage,
<@ status/> : task status,
<@ category/> : task category ,
<@ riskPriority/> : risk or priority associated to a task,
<@ assignedTo/> : person to whom a task is assigned,
<@ createdBy/> : task creator,

<@ description/> : META description field,
<@ scriptProlog/> : script prologue field,
<@ scriptEpilog/> : script epilogue field,

<@ creationDate/> : idea creation date,
<@ revisionDate/> : idea revision date,
<@ revision/> : idea revision number.


Last, variables <@ macro1/> through <@ macro10/> let you define your own macros : for instance, small JavaScript scripts. These macros are defined in the WIT option dialog ("File/Options..." menu).

Start date2008/06/15
Due date2008/06/15
Percent finished100 %
Effective end date2008/06/15