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 How to insert these widgets?

      6. CSS 1
          6.4. Properties
              6.4.1. Blocks border properties 


This property applies to all elements and separates margin area (margin) from internal adjustment area (padding). It admits from 1 to 3 values, separated by spaces, and define thickness, style and color. These values apply to all sides : top, right, bottom and left.

Thickness is specified by a value (number, or keyword) in the list : thin , medium, thick.

Style is defined by a keyword (cf below, border-style property).

Color is defined by a keyword (one of the 16 predefined colors).


This property defines the border style, from a list of predefined styles (keywords). It accepts from 1 to 4 values, separated by spaces. These values apply in the following order : top, right, bottom, and left. Predefined values are : none, dotted, dashed, solid, double, groove, ridge, inset, outset.


This property defines separately the border color, in a 16 predefined color list (keywords). It accepts from 1 to 4 values, separated by spaces. These values apply in the following order : top, right, bottom, and left.

Top, right, bottom and left borders can be separatedly specified with below properties (they accept from 1 to 3 values (thickness, style and color)) :


See also :
Keywords :  Css