Versione 2019 (5.71)
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Compatibilità con piattaforme:
Windows 10, Windows 8, 7, Vista, XP, 2000, NT4, Windows Server 2012, 2008, 2003 Qualsiasi PC in grado di far funzionare regolarmente Windows™
Personale : 24.99 € (28.60 $ US) Acquistare subito "Potenza e funzionalità ad un prezzo abbordabile" Professionale : 199 € (228.00 $ US) Acquistare subito "Per una manutenzione efficiente dei vostri siti" Aggiornamenti senza restrizioni per gli utenti registrati! |
6. Libro d'oro
6.3. Rassegne stampa
Shareware Junkies (October 2002)
- by Simon Baillie - WebIdeaTree (WIT) is a web authoring and content manager software which is easy to use and methodical in its approach. You don't need HTML programming knowledge and yet you can : - Create electronic books with ease,
WIT is, initially, used as an idea organizer (or data manager). You then define the layout and style of idea rendering, by using predefined models, or, for advanced users (expert mode), by creating new models. At any time, a complete Web
site can be generated from your current document. This site can be run locally, and when tested, be directly deployed on Internet.
This is a highly complex but easy to use piece of software which will have you creating sites, ebooks etc that you can be proud of. Performance: